Fitness is fuel for the mind and body. Next-level fitness encompasses not only strength but also flexibility and endurance.

Physical stamina is important just to feel good every day. But, it takes so much focus and energy to run a business that you can take your life and business to the next level by taking your fitness to the next level. Everything that fitness provides supports your ability to focus, have stamina in your business, have the right levels to operate at an elite level to create a successful business. If you don’t have the strength in your body to go all day, it will definitely take away from your business. If you don’t have the endurance, then you won’t have the ability to maintain the mindset.

The kind of fitness we’re talking about is bigger than simply how much you can bench press or how long or fast you can run. Essentially, it’s not just about strength or cardio, it’s also about flexibility. Flexibility is your ability to have movement and a healthy range of motion. In business, range of motion and flexibility in your mind and body empowers you to maneuver, pivot, and make decisions. So, fitness on every level is linked to being an elite business person. When you get fit for life, you get fit for business.*

Your Next-Level Fitness Expert: Tyler A. Mattes, BS, ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer

Starting at the early age of seven, Tyler Mattes became interested in Active Isolated Stretching, the modality of stretching that his grandfather, Aaron Mattes, created in 1969. The support of proper stretching that is in harmony with the body enabled Tyler to become an elite baseball player. Other athletes took notice, and he started stretching his friends before games throughout middle school, high school, and college. He spent countless hours learning and applying the stretching techniques, studying under not only his grandfather, but also his father, Lance Mattes, and many other teachers. Committed to becoming an expert in health and fitness, Tyler received his Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from the University of Montevallo and became a Certified Fitness Trainer with the International Sports Sciences Association. Tyler currently trains athletes in Birmingham, Alabama with an emphasis on both strength and flexibility.

Take your fitness to the next level through lengthening and strengthening!

The KEY to true fitness… Make sure you have a well-rounded approach. Don’t just lift weights, don’t just do cardio, and don’t just stretch. Do it all!

Our recommendation: You don’t have to purchase an expensive gym membership or set aside several hours a week for exercise. Simply start incorporating stretching and bodyweight exercises into your daily routine. Also, be aware of your mindset around fitness. If you find yourself focused too much on your pant size, the number on the scale, how you look, or even how much you can lift, then remind yourself that fitness is bigger than any and all of those details. Fitness is meant to be a lifelong supporter of your health and well-being.

Fitness is Not a Sprint


Fitness is a healthspan over a lifespan. The point is not how quickly you get there, but how long you maintain it once you’re there.


The First Step in Fitness


Never skip the warm-up and stretching! This is a necessity for proper alignment and biomechanics when you get deeper into your workout.


Flexibility Before Strength


The body has to be able to move in the direction you want and need it to before you can add strength. Limited flexibility actually leads to limited strength.


Stretching is the First Key to Health


Active Isolated Stretching will get you flexible, will help you build strength, and will help you stay healthier longer regardless of your condition, athletic status, or even your age.


How to Stretch on Your Own


There are tons of guides, videos, and resources (both free and paid) for you to practice Active Isolated Stretching on your own. While it is recommended to have a practitioner guide you through the first time, don’t let that stop you from adding this life-changing activity to your daily routine.


The Five Essentials of Strength Training


No extreme moves and no equipment needed. Fitness can be simple, accessible, and empowering for everyone with these basics.


The Key to Strength is to be Functional


The best strength training isn’t focused on how much you can squat or bench press. It’s focused on training for everyday life with functional movement.


Movement That Matters


You want to do movements that are going to help you stay healthy and active throughout your entire life. Being sore after a workout is great, but being in pain is not enjoyable or sustainable.


A Story of a 76-Year-Old’s Miracle of Healing


A 76-Year-Old was injured while training for the Senior Olympics. He hadn’t run in a year until he experienced 2 weeks of Active Isolated Stretching. After 2 months, he was running 3 miles a day (8-minute miles!!) as he did in high school!


*Health Disclaimer: Be The Lead LLC provides information related to health, fitness, and nutrition that is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should consult with your physician before beginning any exercise, fitness, diet, or nutrition routine and before making any changes to medications or supplements. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk.