While the old saying says an apple a day keeps the doctor away, it takes a bit more than that to take your health to the next level.

Your health can either support and empower you on your path to Be The Lead, or it can limit you. If you’re not healthy or you don’t have enough energy, you can’t show up fully for your business, your employees, your clients, or your friends and family.

Next-level health is an elevated level of well-being that is the foundation for your mind, body, and soul on your journey of personal growth. Not only that, there are scientific studies actually linking healthy eating and regular exercise to increased productivity. To reap the greatest benefits, get clear on what a healthy lifestyle looks like for you and be consistent with it. Now, you may be reading this thinking, “But, I’m already healthy!” That’s excellent to hear, but don’t be afraid to take a deeper look at your well-being to see if there’s anything that you could still improve upon.

We live in the age of information and it can be quite overwhelming to determine what health tips to follow. Should you go paleo, keto, or plant-based? Should you do CrossFit or yoga? What supplements are good for you? Do you have to drink green juice? We’re here to simplify it and provide you with expert resources that cut straight to the facts so you can get healthy and quickly get back to focusing on what matters most.*

Your Next-Level Health Expert: Dr. Richard Briggs, DC

As a young child, Dr. Briggs suffered from debilitating migraine headaches. After endless tests, medical doctors finally told his parents that they couldn’t determine the cause and the only solution would be pain medication, which came with a number of side effects. However, a family friend happened to be a chiropractor and offered to help. After one week and only a few adjustments, Dr. Briggs never had another migraine ever again! From that moment on, Dr. Briggs knew he wanted to serve others through the power and practice of chiropractic. He attended Palmer College of Chiropractic and now has over 36 years of experience in helping people improve their health and well-being through his chiropractic practice in Dublin, Ohio, the Northwest Wellness Center. Because trusted medical professionals led him to believe that his health was hopeless, Dr. Briggs is passionate about educating others on alternative solutions to health that may not be talked about by mainstream sources.

With this approach, you get to take back the power and elevate your health to the next level!

The KEY to true health… Small changes in every aspect of health can make for big improvements.

Our recommendation: There is not a cure-all quick fix, but health also doesn’t have to be difficult. When you combine a series of changes in the different areas that contribute to your well-being, these changes will create a synergy together that will result in a greater improvement than if you did any one of them alone. Our second tip is to give it time. Whatever health issues you experience don’t show up at a moment’s notice, they develop over several days, weeks, months, and often years. When you make changes to how you eat, drink, exercise, or even breathe, your body needs some time to show the effects of your improvements. Watch all the videos, take notes, make these simple adjustments, and just wait to reap the benefits of next-level health!

Definition of Health Care


How you feel is not actually a good indicator of health. The best measure of health is the body’s ability to function as close to 100% as possible mentally, physically, and emotionally.


Three Essentials to Health


What do you HAVE to have in order for your body to function properly?


Water is Key


Step 1: The fastest way to improve your health… Drink more water. 99% of people are actually dehydrated!


The Importance of Food


Step 2: Take a simple approach to clean eating. Stick to fruits and vegetables, smaller portions of high-quality meat, go organic as much as possible, and eat your food in a way that supports your natural digestion. Stay away from the inner aisles of the grocery store where all the processed food is.


Using Air to Experience Life


Step 3: Improve the quality and quantity of air that you consume.


Experiencing the Detox


When you make positive changes to your water, food, and air, you may go through a detoxification process. It’s a good thing though! Your body is naturally releasing the toxins it had stored, which means you will feel huge health improvements on the other side of the detox.


How Movement Creates Health


The nervous system is the foundation and controlling system of your entire body. It is protected and sometimes inhibited by your skeletal system. Healthy movement means your nervous system can function at 100%. Impaired movement means your nervous system will be impacted, which then leads to issues in whatever body part or organ that particular nerve controls. Healthy movement is the key!


Getting Off Medications


There is a right way and a wrong way to get off medications. If you improve your health, you likely will no longer need to rely on the medication. But, no matter how long you’ve been taking it, you must do it safely with your medical doctor’s guidance.


 *Health Disclaimer: Be The Lead LLC provides information related to health, fitness, and nutrition that is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should consult with your physician before beginning any exercise, fitness, diet, or nutrition routine and before making any changes to medications or supplements. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk.